Just a reminder of the Portsmouth Tennis Camp. More information and a printable form is available on the District Webpage. Hosting the camp will include Mark Arms, Tuesday Holbrook, Jodi Wright, and Tom Carder. There will also be daily prizes!!!
Portsmouth City Schools will be holding a Special board meeting on Monday May 22rd at 4pm at the Central Office - 724 Findlay Street; Portsmouth, OH 45662. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss permanent improvement plans.
PES Trojan Express presents Frozen
You are all invited to attend Trojan Express Choir’s performance of Frozen Kids this weekend. Friday evening at 7:30pm and Saturday afternoon at 2:30pm. Tickets are $5 at the door. Come join us at our final destination in Arendelle!
Portsmouth City Schools will be having a Virtual Learning Day Friday, March 31st 2023.
The Portsmouth City School board will be holding a work session at the Central Office, 724 Findlay Street on Friday, March 10th at 4pm. No official business will be conducted at this meeting.
Portsmouth Police report that US 52 Westbound is completely shut down due to a significant water break near Walmart, therefore Portsmouth City Schools will be dismissing early, today, Thursday February 16th. East Portsmouth Elementary at 12 noon, PHS/PJHS at 12:30 and Portsmouth Elementary at 1:00.
Portsmouth City schools are *CLOSED* Tuesday, Jan 31st 2023
The January Tax Budget meeting will be held at 1 pm on Friday, January 13, 2023 at Portsmouth City Schools Treasurer Office, 724 Findlay St.
You are all invited to attend our first Christmas Concert since 2019! All music students in choir and band in grades 7-12 will be performing.
The concert is this Sunday, December 18th at 3:00pm in the PHS cafeteria. Doors open at 2:30pm. It is free and all are welcome!
We hope to see you there!
If your student gets off the bus at Grant and Grandview, today 12/7/2022 they will be dropped off at Grant and Hutchins.
If your student gets off the bus at Grandview and 18th, today 12/7/2022 they will be dropped off at Hutchins and 18th.
If your student gets off the bus at Kinney's Lane and Grandview, 12/7/2022 your student will be dropped off at Hutchins and Kinney's Lane.
The city will not allow buses on Grandview due to having to fix gas lines.
Please make plans to attend the fall musical, 42nd Street, this weekend!
November 18th - 7:30pm
November 19th - 7:30pm
November 20th - 2:30pm
Presale tickets are available in the front office during school hours as well as at the door on the night.
General Admission - $10
Students - $5
Reserved Section - $20
These kids have been working hard over the last few weeks and would love to see you all there!
Dear Parents:
Due to Professional Development needs throughout the district, Portsmouth City Schools has made the decision to delay the first day for students until Monday, August 29. We realize that this may cause some hardships for you and appreciate your understanding of this situation as we prepare for another school year. We look forward to seeing your children in our schools and Go Trojans!
Scott Dutey
Portsmouth City Schools
PES School Supply List can be found below.
Portsmouth High School
Full-Length / Graduation 2022
55 minutes
Portsmouth High School
Graduation 2022
Diploma Presentation / Short Version
18 minutes
Portsmouth High School
Spring Concert 2022 / Video
Video Link:
33 Minutes
Portsmouth Elementary School
PES 2022 / It's A Jungle Out There
Video Link:
24 Minutes
The PHS/PJHS vocal music department Spring Concert, Breaking Free, is this Sunday, May 15th, at 3:00pm in the PHS Cafeteria. Doors will open at 2:30pm. The concert will feature the PJHS Choir, PHS Show Choir, and PHS Show Band. (This will be your last chance to see the 2022 Competition Show, Where in the World is Carmen Sandeiego!)
You are all invited! The concert is free and open to the public. This will be our first spring concert since 2019! We are so happy to be sharing music with the public again!
Hope to see you Sunday!
Encanto Video
East Portsmouth Elementary School 2022
Video Link:
14 Minutes