
PCSD families:

With the presence of COVID-19 remaining in our community, we wanted to make our families aware of our current protocol as is related to COVID-19 and attendance.

Current protocol:

If a student tests positive, the student should remain out of school for a total of 5 days from the ONSET of the symptoms. For example, if the student started getting sick on Friday, but didn’t test positive until Monday, the student can return to school on Wednesday.  We will be medically excusing days with a proctored test only.  A proctored test is a test given by urgent care, emergency room, doctor's office, or other medically approved sites.  Tests given at home will not be considered “medically excused”, but a parent note can be accepted if your child is sick.

The close contact quarantine guidelines have also been lifted.  If you or your child is around someone who tests positive, currently there is no need for you or your child to quarantine as long as you remain symptom free.  

We should note if COVID-19 conditions change and/or if mandates are issued by the federal, state, or local governments this protocol would be assessed and updated accordingly.

If anyone has any questions, please contact the building your child attends.

Thank you,